Archive for the ‘Radio’ Category


January 24, 2023

Auto tune sounds like Astro turf looks!

The auto tuned singers are out!
Fake and phony is done!
Leave that noise for elevators!
Musicians are moving on!

Yes it is official in music
The auto tuned era is done
Fake is over, and real is back!
Which side are you on?

So Who is Listening?

January 27, 2020

Q. But aren’t there people out there that love the generic mainstream pop?A. No! No one is lapping it up. No one here, no one anywhere. The Big 3 Labels, parent companies own the media and talk shows that review and promote their bad music. They make it sound like this music is popular. But all sales are way down, and last year was the first to match the high year of sales, 1999! Virtually everyone I’ve ever talked to is like you reading this, and has to block out corporate and search out good music. That should tell you it’s a marketing scheme, not the will of anyone anywhere . No one seems to know this, and so they really think there is some weird people out there that love this junk and hate good music. No

Top 7 Who Have Destroyed Music

September 23, 2019

Top Seven Who Have Destroyed the Music Industry.

7. The bought off music media that promotes instead of reports.

6. Radio Conglomerates, the I Hurt Radio bunch.

5. Streaming giants that pay percentages of pennies!

4. Ticket sellers, that make the average price $90.

3. 2. and 1. The Big 3 Labels, Warner, Sony, Universal, the 3 companies, that control everyone’s career in music – even yours!

Goals of the Arts and Media Revolution

April 22, 2019

What is the arts and media revolution for? We work for these changes:

1. Fair guaranteed reviews to all.

2. Fair media coverage based on quality not promotion budgets.

3. Pennies for play – the author would get a penny for every click on say a chapter of his novel, or book anywhere it’s posted online.

4. The break up of those few companies that make the art, distribute the art, promote the art, and then review the art. They can do any one of those, but not all four! That is too much control in too few hands. The arts of a country cannot be owned by a few conglomerates.

5. City art centers, that are open to promoting all local authors (or artists of any kind.)

Tom Hendricks
Musea since 1992

The Blockers

March 15, 2019

The Blockers.

These are media sources, advocacy groups, etc. that do not talk about progressive music, musicians, or music ideas. Why? Time to ask them! Readers suggest others you think should be on the list.

To get your name off the list, report the news in a way that is fair to all.

1 NPR (radio)
2. Dallas Observer (media)
3 Dallas Morning News (media)
4. KERA (radio)
5. Commercial Stations (radio / tv)
6. KNON (Dallas music radio station)
7. Texas Music Office (gov. org.)
8. KERA (radio)
9. Texas Music Magazine
10. TYT, the Young Turks (media watchdog)
11. Project Censored (media watchdog)
12. FAIR (media watchdog)
13. Texas Standard (radio news.)
14. Takeaway (radio news.)
15. Billboard (music media)
16. Rolling Stone, Spin, etc. (music media)
17. SXSW (music festival)
18. Digital Music News (music media).
19. BBC (and all foreign press.)
20. Pop Culture Happy Hour (radio show)
21. Think (Dallas radio show).
22. All Songs Considered (radio show)
23. KXT ( Dallas music radio station.)
24. The Tech giants (all of them that deal with music.)