Archive for the ‘Health’ Category


April 1, 2020

Bang a Pan wherever you are on
April 19th at 3:PM
Make some noise to show you support
all those working for the rest of us!

The 9-5 Eat All Day Health Program

March 19, 2019

The Nine to Five, Eat All Day Diet.

There is a new diet idea out there that really works. But they have named it the worst name they could. Instead of talking about the good points, it puts the worst face on it right there in the title. They call it the INTERMITTENT FASTING DIET. Now doesn’t that sound horrible?

My name for the same program is the Eat All Day health program. They both work exactly the same.

The person eats all he wants from 9 am to 5 pm. Then he stops eating and lets his body digest from 5 pm to 9 am the next morning.

There is a lot more about it on many websites and videos.

Here’s why I think this works so well. The key may be the 16 hours of digestion! Maybe that allows your night / sleep system to process all the day’s food and reset the digestive system for the next day.

Seems to work slowly and safely.

Tom Hendricks.

Fitness of LIfe as 3 separate parts.

March 15, 2019

Reading this, George Gaylord Simpson said that the only goal he could find in life was that it expands across the planet. That got me to refine my suggestion of these three goals for all life:

Life evolves to each species’ highest fitness in 3 categories, 1. nurturing self, 2. protecting self, and 3. sexual reproduction success. Then it stays in stabilizing selection, until something changes and selection pressure forces it to adapt to the new condition.
That, if true, opens up a lot of new ideas.

100 Moves Exercise Program

March 12, 2019

100 Moves, Exercise Program.

“100 Moves” is an exercise program that is simple and works for everyone. That includes kids to seniors. People can do this standing, sitting, or lying down. Works with music or without. It takes no lessons and is easy from the start.

Here’s how you do 100 moves:

Just move any part of your body 100 times. Count as you move your arms, legs, head, and/or body, and stop at 100, (or any set amount.)

You can do the same motion more than once, or a different one, or a different combination of moves, or anything else. You can do sets of moves, or make every move different. You can do it with others, or by yourself. You do not need a trainer for this.

100 Moves gets you moving, and you do it in a way that you like, that feels right for you. Great for seniors that don’t exercise enough, kids between classes, office workers that need a quick in place exercise break, etc.

Your body will love it, your mind will feel refreshed, and you’ll be more ready for the day ahead.

Note: 100 moves is also featured in my sci-fi novel, Writings In Science, a History of The Future. In the novel it is the most popular form of exercise.
Tom Hendricks

Why the Obesity Epidemic?

June 2, 2018

Why is there an obesity epidemic?

The answer, if my ideas are correct, is very very simple:

Eating excessively is NOT connected to wanting more nurturing, but instead it is a strategy of the immune system to flush out germs in your colon – a major problem for all infants and a key to health for everyone. *

Remember when the alimentary tract is attacked by germs the best two strategies of the body is to throw up (block out) , or diarrhea ( flush out).

Know too that a newborn is very vulnerable to infection before his own immune system is fully developed. *

The key clue to my idea is this: YOUR BODY IS SET UP FOR HIGH FIBER DIETS.

That was the only choice through history, until recently. That means that for most of our history, eating more would be eating more FIBER and flushing out your colon – thus getting rid of bad bacteria.

So eating more during trauma is the normal, natural, safe, response that humans have to gut infections. This started in infancy when the danger is the worst and the immune system is being set up. That pattern of a diet high in fiber is good for adults too.

But now our diet has changed, it is not mostly fiber, and the obesity epidemic followed. Now the natural and healthy drive of our bodies to flush the colon, leads to eating food that adds pounds, not fiber.

Why does our hunger for excess food continue when we are no longer infants and the danger of getting infections is less?

First of all a high fiber diet is always healthy.
Next the body is not set up for any other type of diet.
Next when a person is under stress his body will play it safe and revert to infant immune strategies which means hunger for more food/fiber to flush out the colon.

When is the immune system set up? My suggestion is that the period of infancy around 1-3 years old may be the most important time. This pattern, once set, seems to be very difficult to change.

This also seems to match other aspects of infant development in those years that include:
The child’s first hard foods, loss of breast milk, terrible twos, temper tantrums, separation anxiety, stranger anxiety, being a fussy eater, toilet training, and infant sleep problems. These infant problems may be reactions to setting up the immune system. This development phase may be a tough, but necessary stage for all infants.

Some facts:
*”In humans the gut flora is established at one to two years after birth.”

The gut is the body’s largest immune organ. 70-80% of the immune systems cells are found within the gut.

The newborn and infant are at their most vulnerable in the first years.

Diarrhea is the fourth leading cause of death for children and responsible for 8.6% of all deaths of children aged under 5.
Dysentery, diarrhea, and other infections disease have always killed many newborns.
“In the ancient world dysentery killed about a third of all babies born before they got to be a year old.”

According to the World Health Organization, about one quarter of the world’s population — over 1.5 billion people — is infected with parasitic worms called helminths. These worm infections are most common in tropical and subtropical areas with poor sanitation.

So that’s it – that’s why we have an obesity epidemic.

Comments welcome.

For all else – explore the floors at my main website and join the arts and media revolution!