Archive for the ‘CDBaby’ Category

Music That Challenges

September 5, 2020


Part of what I’m doing has challenged the thinking of many:

1. Get back to basics – don’t over produce your music – let the song through, don’t muddy it with technical clutter.
2. D-Pop where the song is what counts. What doesn’t count is the promotional budget or the fame. Then all are on a level playing field with every new recording.
3. Don’t do videos – Videos are a trick that only about 9 ever promoted pop stars can afford with minimum budgets of $100,000 to make (at least) That is a trick to let money count, not quality, and block out all indie musicians that can’t afford it.
4. Support pennies for play – where everywhere you post your song, you get a penny per play. Customers pay to hear music, like a jukebox online. Works for all content.
5. Fair, no ad revue sites – open to all. Where EVERYONE gets a professional review for a fair processing fee per song.
6. The Music Revolution – that would change every aspect of music and get you a chance at a career by ending the monopoly of the Big 3 Labels that block out new music and prop up the same 9 pop stars you see promoted year after year.
7. Take a break from bands for awhile ( the usual electric guitars, bass, drums). This will force musicians to be innovative instead of fit a 60 year old formula done so well by thousands of others from last century.
8. No corporate radio station will play a protest song. Take away their licenses.
9. New type of Combo guitar playing where I try to play bass, rhythm, and lead all on one guitar. Style that is half way between band and singer songwriter.

You may agree or disagree with a point or two – but they are new ideas, progressive ideas, challenging ideas that will help make music exciting, fun, and out side of corporate hands!


Recent LIve Videos (youtube)

July 1, 2020

Music Music Music! Songs Songs Songs!
Please see my Youtube channel

Wonderful Animals
Guitar instrumental

Janet/ Janice
In love with a twin.

Mechanicals in Love
Robot Love.

Mon. Tues, Wed. Too.
Operatic love song.

Poor people in love.

My Dream
Time to end poverty.

We’re Breaking Up?
Something’s Wrong!

Look at that Flower
Nature song.

In Law Causing Blues
They got to go!

Some Day (Your Ship Will Come In.)
My most optimistic song

South Bound
Moving for the warm sun.

(guitar instrumental

Summer Romance
Love on vacation.

The Woman on the Screen
Falling for an actress on screen.

Breaking News, Broken News
Problems with the media.

11 Kisses
What it takes to fall in love

The Great Plains
Song for the Prairie

There’s No Reason to Cry
Returning home.

Wild Woods
Guitar instrumental with stops

Square One
Broken up again!

Clear Sky
Night with the Stars

White Moth
Spring is here.

Waiting on the Moon
The Generation Song.

Don’t love too fast!

D-Pop Sounds
Brand new sounds are here.

Snow Falls
Winter Love Song

Sweet Daisy Jane – the Riff Song
She becomes a famous guitarist.

Little cold for Snowflake

Nothing in This World
The Love song.

Raining Down
Hard times weather.

What’s the meaning

Beautiful Morning
Yes it is.

Fun tonight!

Breakup Song
For both men and women.

Boulevard of Love
That place where singles go

Stocking Cap
Xmas song about Brothers

Sitting on a Hill
Music that sets you free.

I Really Love You

I Saw You
Love at first site!

Land of Love
Where lovers love to go.

Skipping Down the Alley Way
Some times dreams come true!

Slow Down!
Classic rock and roll tune!

Secret Admirer

Just a Love Song
Too little time to be together.

Cinderella Johnson
Teased woman lament

Knots & Strings
The connected world we live in.

Tell the World
They are now a couple!

Clockwork People
Protest song against cruel people.

Autobiographical song.

Wear a Flower
Will she or won’t she?

Song to help lull to sleep.

Some Day Soon I’ll Be Gone
When you’ve had enough and it’s time to leave.

Two versions, guitar and guitar + voice.

Guitar Instrumental.

World Sing Along Song
First online world sing along song.

Two Fools
Country song about loving too much or too little.

Folk song for the wayward.

Catch Me (If You Can)
Jazz Piece – short!

The Little Slavic Dancer’s Waltz
Keyboard bagatelle.

Baker’s Moon
13th Moon of the Year – celebration!

The Happy Flea
Keyboard bagatelle.

Keyboard bagatelle.

Worker Ants, Worker Bees
Keyboard bagatelle:

Little Sparrow
Keyboard bagatelle.

Keyboard bagatelle

Keyboard bagatelle.

Another Lonely Night
Keyboard bagatelle.

Mother Goose
Keyboard bagatelle.

Pioneering Women
Guitar Instrumental (double tracked)

Won’t Work on Me!
She can’t take him away from her!

3 Problem protest song – each makes the other worse!

Lost in the Cold! Song as a short drama piece.

My Mistake
What happens when some break up!

Sci-fi story in song

River Long
Guitar Instrumental with a song at the end.

Call Someone
We all need help from others sometimes.

Pre Coffee Cranky (homage to Monk’s piano style)
Piano piece for pre coffee time. #1893

Short guitar instrumental – dark and passionate.

Hay Ride for Two
Simple short guitar instrumental – lots of guitar picking.

Rock and Roll Vapors (and Big Beat Fever)
Got a good beat and you can dance to it! –
This is an infection caused by a backbeat!

Wayfaring Stranger (traditional lyrics)
My original music to this traditional folk/Gospel song lyrics.

You Better Find Someone to Break Your Heart
Love can hurt too!

Color My World (fast version)
Classic from Chicago

Grand World
Unabashedly Optimistic Song.

Song for Lead Guitarists to Solo

Watching TV
Guitar Instrumental

Basket Girl
Wolves and Hunters here!

From Me To You
Classic Beatle song

Color My World (slow version)
Classic from Chicago

Backstage at the Fashion Show
Guitar instrumental

Before Going On Stage
The Warm Up Song

Bam! Bam! Bam!
Rhythm and Blues about getting there on time.

Cherry Tree

Blink of an Eye
Bittersweet song of lost loves.

Rock, Paper, Scissors
Hand Dancing. Can you do the moves?

Jingle Jangle Day
Surely one of my happiest songs with the least amount of lyrics.

Road Chorus
Should be played loud while on the road.

Someone Who Loved Me
Two friends or lovers?

Shoo Bop
Song for background singers everywhere.

Cello (a Love Story)
Man falls in love with a Cello player next door.

Goodbye to War
Title says it all.

Lullaby (a Mother Goose Rhyme)
Pure melody and voice – nothing else.

I Was There
Simple instrumental for all your memories.

All the Birds in the World
Synthesizer song – lots of joy in these notes.

Happy Birthday Song
Now you have two choices for birthdays.


TeXas Video Showdown.
This is the ongoing, worst video ever made… for a good reason –

Hey Music Media – You Have Failed Us All!

June 13, 2020

HEY MUSIC MEDIA – You Have Failed Us!

Where is news about these progressive music changes:
Music Revolution – that would change every aspect of corporate music and bring it back to musicians (radio, concerts, streaming rates, music media, etc, )

Pennies for Play – where every song would get a penny when someone clicks on it – anywhere on the net

Guaranteed Reviews for all musicians (and artists of any kind.)

D-Pop – music where the song is the only thing that matters and how good you look when you dance or how much you spent on a video does not!

Musicians against the Big 3 Labels that control music, prop up the same 10 pop stars, and block new music from anyone that doesn’t sound alike.

The Wheel (some of the best new music anywhere)

The Big LIST – best music list of the entire internet.

Music Media refuses to bring itself into this century! Your coverage is becoming irrelevant.

My Style of Music , a letter to a music friend.

November 22, 2019

My Style of Music
Let me add this thought. I did traditional rock recordings in the eighties; guitars, bass, drums, keyboards, but then evolved to a simpler style, back to basics that I really like. So, should I studio record this or any of my songs, it would not be a retro band attempt from the style of 60 years ago, but a new more simple arrangement, in the new style that most don’t seem to like much, or at best are bewildered that it doesn’t sound like it “should”, in the old style.
At most any studio recording of mine now would involve a lead singer, 2 background singers and one or two standard guitars, and the comments would still be: I want to hear the old style, don’t you? No, not anymore. There were the Beatles and 60 years of imitators in my opinion. We don’t need me to be another. Yes many here are doing original and fine work in this style, and it suits them. Your work is a fine example, but it is not for me anymore.

Tom Hendricks
(musician, painter, writer, and editor of Musea, a zine covering the arts and media revolution, social issues, and science for 25 years.)

MAIN Website

Connects to all the following:

ZINE, MUSEA, Named one of the best ZINES by UTNE magazine. Featured on ROCKETBOOM) MUSIC, HUNKASARUS, 9 full CD’s of free Postism Music)
BLOG for MUSEA, Art Contests, Weekly E-mail etc.)
BOOK PAGES (all 6 of my books + author info. )
YOUTUBE CHANNEL, features all my 73 videos)
BIG MUSIC LIST, 200+ Song – First Worldwide Best Music, List) MUSEA’s 200th Issue / Underground History of Dallas 1992-2017

Music Quotes about the Music Revolution from Musea, since 1992

September 5, 2019

Music Quotes about the Music Revolution.
From Musea, since 1992

Time for a change in music – instead of just 3 companies controlling everything there should be thousands!

Musea, leading the music revolution against the “Big 3 Labels” that control the music industry.

Those born since the 90s have the delusion that mainstream music is supposed to be bad and not the best in the world.

The Big 3 Labels control manufacturing, distribution, promotion, reviews, concerts, radio, awards shows, music media, music charts, and streaming. Anything else they sue out of business by their watchdog organization, RIAA.

When you have to search out a musician’s music, they are probably making minimum wage, while 1% make 70% of all money in music.

When people hide their heads in the sand about all this, it’s the same as bowing down to the 3 CEOs that control and have ruined music.

Join us – thousands of musicians against the 3 CEOs that control the music industry.

Time to stop supporting the 3 old men, no women, that control all music, the Big 3, and start supporting all musicians. That includes ending the glass ceiling against all women in positions of leadership in the music industry.

Which side are you on, 3 CEOs, The Big 3, that control the music industry or all musicians?

Musicians need your support not your head in the sand!

Who here would get upset if there were more than 3 people who decided if you got a career in music or made minimum wage all your life?

The Big 3 control 80% of the music industry and their lawyers the other 20%.

When the music media blocks out the music revolution against the Big 3, they block out every musician making minimum wage or less = thousands of talented people.

Music revolution has two sides:
3 greedy CEOs that prop up the same 10 top 40 pop stars versus all the other musicians in the world.

Katy Perry spent $11 million on promoting one song!
Ed Sheeran’s “Divide” tour has made $736.7 million!
To make minimum wage through streaming on Spotify, a musician has to have 336,842 total plays. No musician can compete against the pop darlings of the Big 3 Labels!

Remember my ear is always open.