Archive for the ‘3 CEOS’ Category

Letter to Journalists

March 6, 2023

Letter to Music Journalists:

The music press should be about journalism not promotion.
When that returns, journalists will ask these tough questions of the music industry:

1 Should 3 CEOs control the entire music industry like they do now?
2 For twenty years sales have been half of what they were in 1999, why
3 Why does music never change? Never new stars or net trends?
4 Do you think auto tune is fake music to hide people without talent?
5 One percent of musicians make 70% of all the money, should they also make 70% of the charitable contributions?
6 Do you approve of NPR revenue sharing deals?

The 20 Year Crash of the US Music Industry.

November 24, 2022

Headline: THE MUSIC INDUSTRY CRASHED In 2000!FOR THE LAST 23 YEARS sales have been Half of Those of 1999 when they were at their peak. A MUSEA Exclusive.

For the last 23 years, the US Music industry sales have been cut 50%. The enclosed chart from digital music news proves it.

Musea has an exclusive that no other major music media has reported. The 20 years of silence is over. Time to expose the truth and the truth is an industry wide failure of sales that has been hidden by the music media for too long. We are glad to break …

Musicians stand up, not bow down!

September 14, 2022

MUSICIANS … TIME TO STAND UP not BOW DOWN !!!You don’t have to have your music career ruined by 3 CEOs before you start!

First the hard truth! if you are in your TWENTIES, your music career with the three major labels that control the entire music industry, is already over. Just ask anyone older. They control all and don’t want you. Talent doesn’t matter to them.


Music sales in the US for the last 20 years are still half of what they were in 1999, yet no one will talk about this collapse of the entire industry.

The Universal music executive recently got a $300 million bonus. What about you?

Two composers and only two, write most corporate hits!

The Big Three Labels, control the entire music industry from radio, and reviews, to streaming and concerts. They are, Warner, Universal, Sony.

These 3 labels put out horrible songs, can’t get a hit, and then spineless media like Rolling Stone, Spin, NPR, and Billboard, give them great reviews that tell them how good these generic songs are.

While YOU are making t-shirt money and

YOU STILL WONT COMPLAIN ONCE – 95% of you are on your knees with open wallets asking this handful of inept businessmen that have ruined the entire industry with excess greed, to PLEASE TAKE MORE OF MY MONEY and PLEASE RUIN MY CAREER and ALL THE CAREERS OF THE MUSICIANS I KNOW AND LIKE!

Time to, WAKE UP and STAND UP!
Start by telling others you don’t like fake music anymore. Tell your music media source to talk about this the biggest issue in the entire music industry!!!

The End of the Auto Tune Era

May 28, 2022

Yes it is official in music

The auto tuned era is done

Fake is over, and real is back!

Which side are you on?


Dividing Line in Music Revolution

May 9, 2022

Musicians in every country are finding out that their chances for music careers are being blocked, no matter how talented or hard working you are.The reason is the greedy marketing plans of the Big 3 Labels that control the entire music industry, prop up the same few pop stars that make mega millions, and block out all new music – like you!

Clearly a dividing line is being formed

Side one – the Big 3 Labels, their parent media companies, and the radio, media, and streaming service they control VERSUS
Side two – the rest of us – all musicians – you reading this!!!