Archive for the ‘Media’ Category

Why Nightly Network News All the Same ?

May 6, 2023

Why do all three, ABC, NBC, CBS, nightly news have the same stories, often in the same order? Who’s telling them what to do? Why arent they different? PBS and BBC, don’t have the same stories, for example. What’s going on?

Letter to Journalists

March 6, 2023

Letter to Music Journalists:

The music press should be about journalism not promotion.
When that returns, journalists will ask these tough questions of the music industry:

1 Should 3 CEOs control the entire music industry like they do now?
2 For twenty years sales have been half of what they were in 1999, why
3 Why does music never change? Never new stars or net trends?
4 Do you think auto tune is fake music to hide people without talent?
5 One percent of musicians make 70% of all the money, should they also make 70% of the charitable contributions?
6 Do you approve of NPR revenue sharing deals?

Media Watchdogs keep Bad Media in the Spotlight and Good Media Marginalized.

May 23, 2020

Media Watchdogs you keep bad media in the spotlight and good media marginalized!

MEDIA WATCHDOGS in one sense enables bad media to continue. By calling them out you bring attention to them, that should better be on those indie media that are doing media right. Those you neglect mentioning, you help keep marginalized while you keep the bad media in the center of attention and top dogs in firm position.

Problem/Solution Musea #206

January 10, 2020

Musea’s Problem/Solution issue, #206 has reasonable solutions for these problems:

How to get fair payment for all creative content online.
Power in an Emergency
Cost of College
Workers’ Rights
How to end poverty without spending a penny
The Arts and Media controlled and ruined by too few media/art conglomerates. How life began
How to revitalize downtown Dallas (or any major city).
How to call a halt to perpetual war.
Housing shortages
Education reforms,
How to make car designs exciting.
For newscasters, how to interview hostile subjects and get real answers. Thinking creatively
Mass marketing of Paintings and Drawings like books, films, and records. Fair reviews for all creative work – musicians, painters, writers, filmmakers, dancers,…
Recognizing the new paradigm Corporations vs. People to control the government. How many brain systems do we have?

These are all summaries, so just ask if you want more info.