Archive for the ‘Big 3’ Category

Letter to Journalists

March 6, 2023

Letter to Music Journalists:

The music press should be about journalism not promotion.
When that returns, journalists will ask these tough questions of the music industry:

1 Should 3 CEOs control the entire music industry like they do now?
2 For twenty years sales have been half of what they were in 1999, why
3 Why does music never change? Never new stars or net trends?
4 Do you think auto tune is fake music to hide people without talent?
5 One percent of musicians make 70% of all the money, should they also make 70% of the charitable contributions?
6 Do you approve of NPR revenue sharing deals?

Dividing Line in Music Revolution

May 9, 2022

Musicians in every country are finding out that their chances for music careers are being blocked, no matter how talented or hard working you are.The reason is the greedy marketing plans of the Big 3 Labels that control the entire music industry, prop up the same few pop stars that make mega millions, and block out all new music – like you!

Clearly a dividing line is being formed

Side one – the Big 3 Labels, their parent media companies, and the radio, media, and streaming service they control VERSUS
Side two – the rest of us – all musicians – you reading this!!!

The Music Lovers I Know…

March 28, 2022

The MUSIC LOVERS I talk to tell me LOUD AND CLEAR: I want to keep the musicians I love and cherish from careers in music. I want them blocked from being heard on major radio stations, I want the mainstream media to concentrate on corporate acts, I want these musicians that I like to get low low streaming rates, and be denied fair reviews in all mainstream music media, I want them to all make less than minimum wage ; just as long as those 10 multi millionaire aging generic pop stars that I see promoted every year over and over, and the Big 3 Labels that control the entire music industry, get all the money. (Warner, Universal, Sony,)

I know that the handful of promoted pop stars are 100,000 times better than all the musicians I listen to combined, and that they deserve to have 100,000 times more money; while they watch and see all the rest of the musicians in the world in poverty.

Seriously, I can search out those poor poor musicians – so why should I do anything to help them. Clearly buying a t-shirt or cd now and then, or watching them in a half empty dive should be enough money for decades of practice and work right?

Then I respond HUH???

Join the music revolution against three old men, and for all musicians. Start by sharing the news with the people and media you like. YES it takes courage!

Hey Music Media – You Have Failed Us All!

June 13, 2020

HEY MUSIC MEDIA – You Have Failed Us!

Where is news about these progressive music changes:
Music Revolution – that would change every aspect of corporate music and bring it back to musicians (radio, concerts, streaming rates, music media, etc, )

Pennies for Play – where every song would get a penny when someone clicks on it – anywhere on the net

Guaranteed Reviews for all musicians (and artists of any kind.)

D-Pop – music where the song is the only thing that matters and how good you look when you dance or how much you spent on a video does not!

Musicians against the Big 3 Labels that control music, prop up the same 10 pop stars, and block new music from anyone that doesn’t sound alike.

The Wheel (some of the best new music anywhere)

The Big LIST – best music list of the entire internet.

Music Media refuses to bring itself into this century! Your coverage is becoming irrelevant.

3 Points to the Music Revolution

February 27, 2020

Here are 3 major points to the music revolution:

1. Pennies for play – pay for every click anywhere online.
2. D – Pop Music – the only thing that matters is the song.
3. Big 3 Labels – 3 CEOs have ruined music – take it back.