Archive for the ‘Editor Art S Revolutionary’ Category

More Sayings

September 24, 2022

Sayings of Editor Art (continued)

I was a tight rope walker; but never got off the ground floor.

If there was fair voting, none of you politicians would be in office!

If my call was important to them, would I still be on hold?

The family broke like a dropped plate.

It’s easier to forgive than forget.

I think I made a mistake … if I’m not mistaken.

I’m sure he had a personality, but I couldn’t find it.

I am a mid century modern!

Beautiful America has turned into an ugly billboard.
Advertisers, pull back!

A duck is nature’s way of honking!

This is a film where I play myself. Hope I don’t get typecast!

America, this is a country that leads, not last in line.

Hollywood with its marketing ploys of franchises and remakes, has jumped the shark.

No matter which ocean, her oar is in the water!

I used to treat paintings as if I was putting on their makeup. Now it’s more like me wrestling with the canvas!

Lots of people are pointing a finger, but few are lifting one!

The way of nature is fated in that it is constant.

The sky is my umbrella.

Corporation is too big when it replaces customer service with a marketing ploy.

For new social programs, first you take care of the vast majority; then you weed out the few cheats and crooks.

The public decides on one thing per celebrity to fixate on.

In the 50’s if you were smart you smoked a pipe. But if you were really smart, you didn’t.

I see few big problems that can never be fixed, and I see a lot of good that will always be left.

Note that when either political party attacks the other it too often attacks the women of the other party.

Let’s stop putting band aids on poverty. CBAs will end it without spending a penny.

Sayings of Editor Art

February 12, 2022

Sayings of Editor Art

Musical formats and genres are a way of blocking creative people

Podcasts – they are like real radio but good!

War is the marketing ploy for the military industrial complex.

All that and a bag of quips

Rick democracy, versus poor drudgery.

Corporate socialism – tax breaks, subsides, and lobbied bills.

If the latest creation doesn’t look good on the model, it’s not going to look good on you!

3 reactions to the Sun/UV daily cycle: 1 it is destroyed, 2 it stays unchanged, 3 it changes and becomes more stable (life)

Government money to the rich doesn’t trickle down, it just adds up!

Mars waves hi to Earth, but ignores Venus and Mercury!

People say, you can be anything you want. Not so!
Because there are millions of others thinking the same thing!

3 “Independent” Nightly news programs cover the same stories often in the same order. Who is telling them what to do?

Pizza Album: an album mostly of cheesy crusty filler with only a few ‘pepperoni’ .

Running a government like a company means the people at the top have total control and the citizens do what they are told.

When you love someone in a TV show, do you love the actor or the screenwriter?

Theater workers couldn’t make less – the law doesn’t allow it.

Where do twins like to vacation?
Pango, Pango!

Science is like sweeping dust into a dust pan – there’s always a line of dust to go!

Remember when you see someone trip in a film, it’s just make believe.

I have two eyes so I want two Moons.

The people that apologize are the people most likely not to offend.

This is a fragment or frag.

Sayings of Editor Art 1

February 5, 2022


If it’s every person for himself, then everyone will fail.

Architecture now is either a glass box or a junk pile!

The country has to decide, democracy or marketing ploy.

X Where is Dallas? Y Where it should be!

There are a lot of words between “A” and “Z ” !

It’s like finding a pearl in your bowl of cornflakes. Yes it can happen but ….

Want to buy my music catalogue? High price! Cost = the company!

If he isn’t auto tuned, he should be!

War as marketing ploy. The war complex needs a war to stay in business.

Have I stumbled on that secrete cabal of gazillionaires that rule the world? If I have, let me say this – My dues are in the mail, I swear it!

This novel is so bad, I got bored reading they synopsis!

I can destroy Hollywood film and TV with one word – “Penthouse” (great K drama!)

I don’t know you; but almost everything you think, I disagree with.

In films, women like marriages, men like pie fights!

Some painter asked how to get portraits more exact. Here’s the dilemma: You get it exact and you are a camera, and you have taken all your personality out of the portrait. Some will say that is good; others say you will end up with a pretty lifeless piece of art.

How can you have a selfish gene if there’s no direction to evolution?

Sieve logic: full of holes.

World of Musea

November 27, 2021


Slowly I’m getting some recognition for all my work. That’s nice, but I note that in all the interviews I’ve had from the past, I’ve gotten the same response from both the interviewer and the audience. HUH?

Here in this post is a list of some things I might mention in an interview. For most listeners they would think I am talking in a different language.

Musea Readers of long standing, see how many on the list you can recall.


Who is Musea for and against?

Name any two doors of the Five Doors to the Art Revolution video series.

What is the reason for the Texas Video Showdown?

Name three zines in the Zine Hall of Fame.

What is People Power , and how can it bring power in any emergency.

What is a Standup in art, and how has it escaped the wall?

What Dallas Street do I suggest should become a pedestrian walkway?

What is the Big LIst?

When and where was the last moment of Modern Art?

Why was 12 By 12 Records called a co-op record company?

What is “John and Martha”, a five act illustrated short story.

Name aspects of the art (painting) revolution.

Name a poem video.

What does Z.H.O.F stand for?

What is the 3 year science program for the world?

Recite a single line from any of my 2,500 Original Songs.

Name three columnists that have written for Musea.

Who is Corporate Art / Media?

Name two points from my UV paper on the Origin of Life.

What is, “Writings in Science”?

What direction do I suggest all evolution follows.

What are the Four Options and how do they determine all behavior.

What is psy phy physics and define the acronym dimp.

Name three of my websites.

Name two world’s firsts in music, connected to Tom Hendricks/ Hunkasaurus.

My large Sci-fi novel Writings in Science, is written in what form?

What is Pennies for Play online? How would it help everyone that makes creative content.

Name any instrumental I’ve written and recorded.

What are art envelopes?

Why does Musea think fair reviews are so important

Name one of the educational reforms in my essay on education.

Define a Quatro, Vision, or a Readymade, in poetry.

Why is Ben Bagdikian important to the art revolution?

Name any three of my books.

Name any of the ten points in the essay, “Ten Solutions.”

Name any point from the essay “Cogitology.” Who co-wrote it?

What does playing the guitar in the Combo Style, mean?

What is the music revolution?

What two recommendations does Musea make for all arts.

Where do hundreds of sayings like, “I don’t dumb down, so please wise up,” come from?

What is the History of Rock and Roll part one and two.

What is a CBA?

Name a Musea essay.

Name one of my short short plays.

What is the 150 song, outside-the-box set?

What is the Wheel Music Group, and why is it so important.

What is Musead?

What changes does Musea suggest for the NEA?

How does wiki college work?

Why do I suggest that Hollywood (and Broadway) have jumped the shark.

Name a golden age of film going on now.

Why should theater workers protest the Hollywood film industry?

What are Box Office Concerts?

Name one of my 9,000 poems.

What is the National Workers Organization and what national organization is it based on.

Name any of the 27 points from the Censored Art News article.

What is a bagatelle, and what music form is it usually written in.

Who are David McGhee, G.K.H. Bryant, Michael Helsem, Tevil X Bloom, Sparrow X Carter, Scott Jacob Loehr. – each a great artist in his field.

For answers see the website and follow the links.

Sayings of Editor Art (continued)

January 5, 2021

Sayings of Editor Art (more of them).

I don’t let chocolate decay!

Band Aid Charity : charity that addresses poverty in a piecemeal manner.

Flying into your pants!

Just a few more months of caution, then you can throw it to the wind.

Remember with CBAs, poverty is a choice to make not a problem to solve.

Chose: Marketing Ploy for Big 3 Labels, or vibrant music industry for everyone.

99% of physics books set up a wall for the reader and say, “You won’t believe this but it’s true, and stop there – leaving you filled with doubtful wonder – like the author has.
I raise my hand an say, “I do!!! Let’s go!!!

Nothing has just one answer.

If you are a rock band now, you are pretty much stuck in last century.

Let the windmills tilt themselves.

Stay lit!

Everyone gets a thorn in their paw.

Song title: I may be wrong but you’re still stupid!

Black hole of need.

Media – reaches out for trauma and drama.

Whether its this wine or that wine, its still wine!

People who don’t wear a mask – I avoid like the plague!

The oasis of civilization.

That’s like a sax solo in the middle of the Moonlight Sonata (first movement.)

A song with a wide range in the melody is lighter than one with a limited range.

Be daring – Wing it!

Waves are everything!

These musicians need some smoke and mirrors.

Thin people read the room. Fat people read the people.

More a rock garden than Versailles.

Data mining – get your hands out of my … everything

There’s lots of ways to run a maze (also add as poem?)

A few bad apples? A few bad orchards!

The Music Revolution is for those who don’t want ten more years of the same 9 pop stars.
Support all musicians not the greed of the 3 CEOs, that run the Big 3 Labels, and who tell you who you can like and control the entire industry: radio, concerts, reviews, promotion, press, streaming, etc.

It’s a good thing you don’t have any money or your relatives would have committed you long ago!

I’m in a sea of stay-the-same, and the undertow is fierce.

If you’re not going to enjoy sex, why go through puberty?

I can’t go on the subway. I’ll get mobbed, and not because I’m famous.

Beware science discoveries that are too clever. Mother Nature hates clever!
(and usually they are wrong.)

If a photon is outside of time, then it can be anywhere and back.

The physicist calls his wife, quark and gluon!

Some paint by number. Some paint by experience, practice, and talent.