Posts Tagged ‘Art Revolution’

Sayings of Editor Art

February 12, 2022

Sayings of Editor Art

Musical formats and genres are a way of blocking creative people

Podcasts – they are like real radio but good!

War is the marketing ploy for the military industrial complex.

All that and a bag of quips

Rick democracy, versus poor drudgery.

Corporate socialism – tax breaks, subsides, and lobbied bills.

If the latest creation doesn’t look good on the model, it’s not going to look good on you!

3 reactions to the Sun/UV daily cycle: 1 it is destroyed, 2 it stays unchanged, 3 it changes and becomes more stable (life)

Government money to the rich doesn’t trickle down, it just adds up!

Mars waves hi to Earth, but ignores Venus and Mercury!

People say, you can be anything you want. Not so!
Because there are millions of others thinking the same thing!

3 “Independent” Nightly news programs cover the same stories often in the same order. Who is telling them what to do?

Pizza Album: an album mostly of cheesy crusty filler with only a few ‘pepperoni’ .

Running a government like a company means the people at the top have total control and the citizens do what they are told.

When you love someone in a TV show, do you love the actor or the screenwriter?

Theater workers couldn’t make less – the law doesn’t allow it.

Where do twins like to vacation?
Pango, Pango!

Science is like sweeping dust into a dust pan – there’s always a line of dust to go!

Remember when you see someone trip in a film, it’s just make believe.

I have two eyes so I want two Moons.

The people that apologize are the people most likely not to offend.

This is a fragment or frag.

Failure of Independent Musicians

February 9, 2022

The more you look at music and the failure for all independents to have any real success, the more it comes down to the Big Three Labels that control 80% directly and more through parent companies, lawsuits, leverage on streaming, radio, concerts, music media. This has never been like this before in history. Let’s be honest, no one here has a chance.
Want proof ? You saw how big Napster got, then it was destroyed by The Big Three Labels. Can you match Napster success.
Still not enough.
We independent musicians have tried every trick in the book in music over 20 years and all have failed. Now let’s attack the real source of the problem, The Big Three Labels.
Start by asking media why they won’t cover any of this!
Nobody has a fair chance until we do. That has been proven year after year!

Painting Revolution

February 9, 2022

Most modern art substitutes weird for quality, narrow isms for scope, and trendy for depth. It also refuses to change or even talk about progressive ideas in art like those that follow

Too many treat art as a marketing scheme. Modern art has become a trendy clique and the art now is mostly over promoted footnotes to greater art that was done 100 years ago. But art is too important to be reduced to a trendy clique.

Post-ism, is art for a new century, not a continuation of last century trends.

1 Mass Market Paintings like Prints. When any art form is mass marketed it enters a golden age. This has happened with books, records, and film. Let’s add paintings. Most art is in storage in museum basements. Mass Marketing allows art to tour in copies and allows artists to make royalties on copies.
Why do you think the world gets so excited about a new great book, record, or film; but no one cares about a new great painting? All are mass produced except the painting.

2. End a Century of Isms. Dump the genres and formulas and let all kinds of art be a part of the art world.

3. Shift Emphasis From Trendy to Quality. Shift emphasis from the latest trendy art, to quality art in any style. Just because art is weird does not mean it is great art.

4. Free the Art From Museums and Galleries. Get the art out of the ivory elitist museum and gallery towers and back into the world. Have city art centers open to all artists. Make art that is relevant and communicates with people. Start with the first generation of artists online.

5. Postism is Part of a Bigger Revolution. Postism is part of the bigger art and media revolution out of Dallas, that includes art, music, lit, film, media, and a lot more.

6. Postism online: Online artists are the new wave of art. We had all the isms of last century. Now we have a free for all, of all kinds of artists, that are not sanctioned by any museum or gallery, displaying their work. Out of that comes the next wave and revolution of artists.

Last century the goal was to fit the ism. This century the goal is to do great art – no ism, no boundaries. Fractionalized art then, synchronized art now. Even calling something modern art is a type of ism that separates that art from the art of the past.

The 20th century was a century of experimentation in art. Now in the 21st we can choose from all those styles and / or start one of our own.

Then too if someone devises a way to charge and collect a penny per view on a webpage, that would allow any great artist to get money for their art and have a career without any middlemen.

Duchamp broke ground 100 years ago – but now his clones are just shoveling dirt. Weird art is easy, you put a strip of raw bacon across an expensive violin, but it’s not good art.

Join the art revolution and pull the art world out of last century.

Sayings of Editor Art 1

February 5, 2022


If it’s every person for himself, then everyone will fail.

Architecture now is either a glass box or a junk pile!

The country has to decide, democracy or marketing ploy.

X Where is Dallas? Y Where it should be!

There are a lot of words between “A” and “Z ” !

It’s like finding a pearl in your bowl of cornflakes. Yes it can happen but ….

Want to buy my music catalogue? High price! Cost = the company!

If he isn’t auto tuned, he should be!

War as marketing ploy. The war complex needs a war to stay in business.

Have I stumbled on that secrete cabal of gazillionaires that rule the world? If I have, let me say this – My dues are in the mail, I swear it!

This novel is so bad, I got bored reading they synopsis!

I can destroy Hollywood film and TV with one word – “Penthouse” (great K drama!)

I don’t know you; but almost everything you think, I disagree with.

In films, women like marriages, men like pie fights!

Some painter asked how to get portraits more exact. Here’s the dilemma: You get it exact and you are a camera, and you have taken all your personality out of the portrait. Some will say that is good; others say you will end up with a pretty lifeless piece of art.

How can you have a selfish gene if there’s no direction to evolution?

Sieve logic: full of holes.

Pennies for Play (fair compensation for creative content)

December 17, 2020

This is about the idea of PENNIES FOR PLAY.

PENNIES FOR PLAY . How does it work to give all musician fair streaming rates?
First no company taking a cut as large as Spotify, Pandora, iTunes, etc. second, no ads needed ever, so no data mining mess.

Next you pay like a credit card. You pay for $10 dollars worth of clicks, then access any artistic content under the system, music, art,writing, videos , film, news, school classes, blogs etc. Doesn’t have to limit to music.
The company that collects the money, pays out to the musician when he reaches say $50. With a check. it’s pay per view but on a very small scale. There are small fees for processing, not large chunks for company profits.

Let’s say artists got together and decided to do this on their own, even simpler.
For a fee you post your song. Then music listener buys say an amount of $10 . When he clicks on a song he pays a penny. The end of the month each artist gets a penny for every click he had. He again probably has to reach an amount of $50 or so before they send a check or you would have to send out checks for pennies.

The only major costs are granting credits to customers, tallying clicks, and paying the musician.

Positives include , no big company owned, no ads ever, no data mining, no monthly subscription fees ever, no big costs for customer,or musician, very low bureaucracy, and all musicians on a fair playing field, so quality counts more than promotion money. Those are a lot of pluses!!!