Archive for the ‘science’ Category


May 9, 2023

Prediction!!! BIG part of human discovery will be found as we investigate that brain at the back of the skull called the CEREBELLUM.
Here is the latest:

Compared to chimpanzees and rhesus macaques, humans showed greater epigenetic differences in the cerebellum than the prefrontal cortex, highlighting the importance of the cerebellum in human brain evolution. The epigenetic differences were especially apparent on genes involved in brain development, brain inflammation, fat metabolism and synaptic plasticity — the strengthening or weakening of connections between neurons depending on how often they are used.

The Highest Energy Limit

May 6, 2023

Can a wavelength show us the highest energy allowed in physics?My suggestion is yes.

From the photoelectric effect, Einstein showed us that “the intensity of the light does not increase the energy of it’s photons, but only increases the number of photons emitted.”
Therefore every wavelength is the same energy. The number of wavelengths is what increases energy.

We know light or photons come in all wavelengths; from the very large radio waves up to the very short and high energy, gamma rays
But what if you continued to make photons with smaller and smaller wavelengths, shorter and shorter wavelengths in ever smaller spaces. This would allow for more wavelengths in a space and more energy.

So what is the ultimate energy? It’s a wavelength so compact and small and scrunched up that the wavelength becomes a dot long.
There can be nothing more small. The wavelength cannot get more compact than a dot wide. There can be no wavelength with more energy. That is the limit of energy. The wavelength that is so small that it is a dot wide wavelength, is the limit of electromagnetic energy.

Follow-up. How many photon waves that are dot long, can you put in a single point? Because of Pauli’s Exclusion Principle, and because photons are bosons, you could put an infinite amount

The Singularity

April 25, 2023

The Singularity that Started the Universe.

The single clue we have about the singularity that started the Universe with the Big Bang, is that it was outside space – time. That came after.

The only thing we know of that is outside space and time is PHOTONS. (Please check your favorite physics science site for confirmation, or google “photons are outside time and distance.”)

Therefore the singularity must have been PHOTONS, a single dimensionless point of all energy.

The rest follows:

The PARTICLE TRAIN! Previously I suggested that eternal photons made electron positron pairs,
(as well as all standard model particles). Here’s how.

Start with a PARTICLE TRAIN, each time you add an electron or positron car to the train, you get a new particle.
The only rule is the cars have to alternate from electron to positron. Think of a wave with trough always alternating with crest.

Photons as electron positron pairs could make the main parts of an atom in the brief time after the Big Bang under those extreme and never repeated conditions.

Charges are the cars on our particle train.
Positive positron (+),
Negative electron (-).

Positron (+)
Electron (-)
Photon (+) (-)
Proton (+) (-) (+) Anti Proton (-) (+) (-)
Neutron (+) (-) (+) (-) Anti Neutron (-) (+) (-)(+) .

The PROTONS and NEUTRONS are made from

When this production of particles was over, most anti particles with charge; positrons, and anti protons, didn’t exist on their own. They were LOCKED INTO PROTONS OR NEUTRONS. That way conservation of charge was maintained. That also explains the MISSING ANTI MATTER PROBLEM!

This from Wikipedia article Matter Creation:
It is possible to create all fundamental particles in the standard model, including quarks, leptons and bosons using photons of varying energies above some minimum threshold, whether directly (by pair production), or by decay of the intermediate particle (such as a W− boson decaying to form an electron and an electron-antineutrino).

Charge is Fluid.

April 10, 2023

Positive and Negative ChargeSuggestion that charge is more fluid and less concrete then we thought – more shifting and switching about, and less confined to any specific location – more like a traveling magnetic field than a separate spot for negative charge and another spot for positive.

My previous posts, part of a bigger connected idea – see summary at end – is that photons, electrons and positrons, are all three the same thing in different form.

Further I add that the positron with a positive charge and the electron with a negative charge shift back and forth in the atom, like two entangled particles.

This suggests solutions for certain problems:
They include:

The electron orbital holds two electrons with opposite spin, one electron has spin up, the other has spin down. They also have a magnetic moment.
Suggestion that spin up is an electron and spin down is a positron, or vice versa. That would suggest why there is a limit of 2 per orbital. There are 2 charges.

This concerns the two slit experiment. How can one photon interfere with itself in superposition?
Suggestion that It could if that photon had converted to an electron positron pair. And the electron and positron annihilated each other and converted back to a photon energy, and back and forth.

Where is the missing anti matter?
Suggestion that it’s in every atom, and that every electron has an entangled positron.
(See summary for suggestion that both protons and neutrons are made of electron positrons, instead of quarks.)

Certain wavelengths fit each electron she’ll. The suggestion is that the wave of each electron is in reality a two part wave, were the crest, a positron alternates with a trough, the electron. They bounce back and forth as the wave travels the shell.

The uncertainty principle suggests we can’t know both the position and momentum of an electron. The idea that electrons and positrons are entangled and switch positions at certain times would support the uncertainty


April 1, 2023

My physics suggestions, challenges a lot of present ideas. But they are built on what we know now.

The following is a list of facts about photons, that physicists already accept: but that will still challenge most readers.

The list also contains two items that I suggest are accurate, but are not accepted by physicists.

Read the list and find the two of mine out of the twelve listed.
There are clues at the end to help.

Photons can create electrons and positrons in pair conversion (Energy can make mass).

Electrons and positrons annihilate into photons or energy.
(Mass can annihilate into pure energy.)

Photons are outside of space.

Photons are outside of time.

Photons are all in a single point.

Photons may be eternal.

Photons were the singularity that began the Big Bang.

Photons can make all the particles in the standard model.

Virtual Photons pop in and out of a vacuum, and are responsible for the Casimir Effect.

A photon can be in a superposition of two or more states.

Two photons that are entangled remain connected, no matter the distance between them.

Photons, electrons, and positrons are all different versions of the same thing.

One of the things that you really have to realize is the speed of light is very, very special. It’s not just simply a speed of something moving through space. As you go faster and faster and closer to the speed of light, time itself begins to slow down. And space begins to contract. As you go close to the speed of light, the entire universe becomes smaller and smaller until it basically just becomes a single point when you’re going at the speed of light. And time, as you go closer to the speed of light, gets slower and slower until basically time is a single point at the speed of light.

Light does not experience space or time. It’s not just a speed going through something. All of the universe shifts around this constant, the speed of light. Time and space itself stop when you go that speed. Michelle Thaller.

This from Wikipedia article Matter Creation:
It is possible to create all fundamental particles in the standard model, including quarks, leptons and bosons using photons of varying energies above some minimum threshold, whether directly (by pair production), or by decay of the intermediate particle (such as a W− boson decaying to form an electron and an electron-antineutrino).

“But if they do have a little mass, they could eventually decay into lighter particles. Now, by studying ancient light radiated shortly after the big bang, a physicist has calculated the minimum lifetime of photons, showing that they must live for at least one billion billion years, if not forever. Scientific American.


The two items that are not yet accepted by physicists are,  1 Photons were the singularity that began the Big Bang,  2 Photons, electrons, and positrons are all different forms of the same thing.