Archive for the ‘Reader’s Favorites’ Category

My 6 Books

February 27, 2018

These 6 books of mine are all on all the streaming sites, Amazon, I- books, Barnes and Nobel, etc.
Lots of variety! Try one and see.

MY SIX BOOKS have been published on all the streaming sites. Here are some review blurbs. (Read excerpts on the Amazon, Tom Hendricks, author page.)

1. LIBRARY PLANET. Tom Hendricks’ Library Planet is an explosion of imagination and wonderful cultures from all the diverse planets… This is a story for those who want to get lost in a planet sized library without spending too much time away from real life. – Maria Stoica

2. CENDRILLON, the True Story of Cinderella. Tom Hendricks uses a unique historical perspective to bring new life to the tale of Cinderella…. Hidden within the story are lessons about love, loss and acceptable behavior, not to mention the definition of true beauty … Cendrillon: The True Story of Cinderella is a delightful version of a favorite fairy tale. – Melinda Hills

3. PORTRAITS, a novel of Art, Artists, and the Art Revolution. Tom Hendricks’ contemporary fiction novel, Portraits: A Novel about Art, Artists, and the Art Revolution, is an art lover’s delight. The author’s story captures the essence of the lifestyle and struggles of artists, especially those who’ve not been discovered or found by the gatekeepers of the art world. – Jack Magnus

4. TEN SHORT AND SHORT-SHORT PLAYS. Hendricks obviously is a good writer and also knows the theater well, since his plays can easily be produced by small theater companies without the aid of elaborate scenery, large casts, etc. He also knows how to make things concise and easily understood. – Raanan Geberer. Playwright Tom Hendricks must have an incessantly creative mind, and this comes through in each of his unique and playful works. Each of these plays would be fun to act out for novice actors or for ones much more skilled. I recommend Ten Short and Short-Short Plays to readers who enjoy short works of fiction, those interested in fun short plays, or actors looking for new work. Tom Hendricks’ work is definitely worth watching out for. – Chris Fischer.

5. DOWNTOWN WITH THE BOOK OF RENOWN. (Also titled “?”) The synopsis for Downtown with the Book of Renown by Tom Hendricks goes like this: “Two boys have one big adventure, when Bradley finds a treasure map and two keys in a memo book from the hand of a dead gangster. He names it the ‘Book of Renown.’ The map in the Book of
Renown leads him and his friend Tom downtown to the Clarks Hotel. But how will they get inside, and what treasure will they find if they do?” Though I thought this blurb intriguing, I also felt it a little meager. As it turned out, it was perfect and the answer to the question was not close to anything I imagined. – Lex Allen.

6. WRITINGS IN SCIENCE. Writings in Science, a history of the future in stories, essays, poems and plays.
Writings in Science: A History of the Future by Tom Hendricks is a dazzling portrait of the world millions of years from now, as seen through the eyes of the character called “I.” It is the kind of sci-fi that can be characterized as visionary. – Divien Zape.
A History of the Future by Tom Hendricks is a beautiful collection of stories, dialogues, essays, and many things in between, depicting the world millions of years in the future.
Readers will enjoy the drama that features in the stories, the tight prose in the essays, and the compelling, somewhat symbolic characters. Tom Hendricks exhibits a very rich imagination in this entertaining work.
The author covers a variety of themes in a variety of styles, including ethical issues, scientific inventions, culture and politics.
The Setting is captivating. I was drawn in by the images the author conjured through the beautiful writing. It’s a work that will be adored by fans of sci-fi, short stories, futuristic essays and fantasy. – Arya Fomonyuy.
Writings in Science: A History of the Future by Tom Hendricks is a collection of poems, essays and stories all compiled into a novel, written in two parts. The reader is taken to a world where the earth is no longer viable and is, in fact, dying because of the sun. People are leaving the blue planet in droves and one man with the name of “I” works to gather his favorite science writings to preserve them as a legacy for the future. Follow the history in this book and all of the changes that have happened to the planet before it began its death throes. – Kathryn Bennett.

Hard Science in WIS Sci-fi Novel

February 19, 2018

Science Hypotheses from the Sci-fi novel, “Writings in Science, a History of the Future”

This sci-fi novel is big with not only lots of adventure stories, but hard science ideas. Here are some of the key ones.

1 The origin of life. Suggestion that the daily cycle of UV forced chemical selection with life the most stable reaction. (Also a daily wet, dry cycle too). Genetic coding was first for ” Double Stability”. That is stability that keeps what works, and adjusts what needs work in that environment. That is the main reason for coding and for our genomes.

2. Carrying the Baby concept. Hominids being bipedal allowed mothers to carry, caress, and soothe the baby. This mother child bounding may have led to the faster evolution of language and intelligence.

3. Why do we sleep? The main reason, besides resetting the digestive system, and building memory, is for the bodies immune system to attack any infection, mostly in the gut (73%), the mouth (23%) and the skin.

4. The Stream of Consciousness method of teaching is a way to educated many times faster than the current systems. SOC.

5. People Power, a low tech power source anywhere there are people, such that there is never an emergency where there is not power.

6. New type of selection, the transfer of gut bacteria from mother to newborn child.

7. The emotions of fear and anger evolved out of the defense system against infection in the gastrointestinal tract. Anger from gut infection. Fear from mouth infection. This ties directly to why we have overweight or underweight problems.

8. The idea that the nervous system is made up of separate parts that are often in conflict, lead to an internal civil war of conflicting unconscious drives, and that solving this inner trauma resolves many outer social problems. The idea that there is a somewhat separate nervous system for each of the 3 germ layers in bilateria.

9. Thermal regulation decreases mutations.

10. There is a direction in evolution, and it is toward better catabolic and anabolic processes. Catabolic and anabolic chemical processes evolved, but did not blend. Negative mutation on one side may be minimized by a positive aspect on the other. A positive mutation on one side may support a positive change on the other.

11. Selection Pressure Model:
The greater the selection pressure – directional or diversifying selection – the greater the speed of evolution in the area of the selection pressure, AND
the lower the selection pressure – stabilizing selection – the lower the speed of evolution in the area of the selected pressure. Or in simple terms, nothing changes until it’s forced to.

12. Separation anxiety or stranger anxiety, may be the reflection of the biological loss of breast milk in the infant. Separation anxiety may be the infant’s separation from breast milk to ‘stranger’ first foods and liquids. Stranger anxiety may be the reflection of the infants immune system’s response to first solids or first infection.

13.There may be selection pressure within the body itself. Kwashiorkor, a disease caused by lack of protein, where the body competes for what protein is left, seems to support this.

14.The reason for our sweet tooth may be connected to the fact that sugar brings quick energy, and it is the easiest and fastest food to digest.

First Check

November 4, 2017

Dear Readers,

This week marks a milestone of sorts for me. I got my first check for book sales. This is my first check for either book or music sales online. The check is for $49.31. First steps!

Hard Science in the Sci-Fi Novel, Writings in Science

October 10, 2017

Besides having some great adventure, romance, drama, and space opera stories of danger, my sci-fi novel, Writings in Science, a History of the Future, also suggests some major science discoveries that might be clues to real discoveries here and now. Here are five.

1. The Origin of LIfe came about through chemical selection caused by the daily cycle of UV light (day/night , wet/dry cycle).

2. The entire method of learning is overturned and the teacher-
lectures-students, method from the middle ages, is done away with. See the specifics of every aspect of the new education system.

3. English Spelling Reforms – here is how the new version looks. See what was changed and what was done away with. See a sample of the new English.

4. Major reason for Brain Development is found to be, Carrying the Baby. Walking allows for hands to be free, so mother can caress, comfort, and carry the baby. This human bonding leads to everything from language to brain development in our hominid ancestors.

5. Bacteria Gene Transfer. New way to pass genes is found – the mother passes her good bacteria (and their genes) to the newborn gut where all nurturing is taken in. Find out about Bacteria gene transfer selection.

Book Baby

April 27, 2017

Book Baby Storefront is another online store for all my books. Each of my book titles is listed separately.

Here are four covers.