Posts Tagged ‘Sayings of Editor Art’

Sayings of Editor Art

February 12, 2022

Sayings of Editor Art

Musical formats and genres are a way of blocking creative people

Podcasts – they are like real radio but good!

War is the marketing ploy for the military industrial complex.

All that and a bag of quips

Rick democracy, versus poor drudgery.

Corporate socialism – tax breaks, subsides, and lobbied bills.

If the latest creation doesn’t look good on the model, it’s not going to look good on you!

3 reactions to the Sun/UV daily cycle: 1 it is destroyed, 2 it stays unchanged, 3 it changes and becomes more stable (life)

Government money to the rich doesn’t trickle down, it just adds up!

Mars waves hi to Earth, but ignores Venus and Mercury!

People say, you can be anything you want. Not so!
Because there are millions of others thinking the same thing!

3 “Independent” Nightly news programs cover the same stories often in the same order. Who is telling them what to do?

Pizza Album: an album mostly of cheesy crusty filler with only a few ‘pepperoni’ .

Running a government like a company means the people at the top have total control and the citizens do what they are told.

When you love someone in a TV show, do you love the actor or the screenwriter?

Theater workers couldn’t make less – the law doesn’t allow it.

Where do twins like to vacation?
Pango, Pango!

Science is like sweeping dust into a dust pan – there’s always a line of dust to go!

Remember when you see someone trip in a film, it’s just make believe.

I have two eyes so I want two Moons.

The people that apologize are the people most likely not to offend.

This is a fragment or frag.

Sayings of Editor Art 1

February 5, 2022


If it’s every person for himself, then everyone will fail.

Architecture now is either a glass box or a junk pile!

The country has to decide, democracy or marketing ploy.

X Where is Dallas? Y Where it should be!

There are a lot of words between “A” and “Z ” !

It’s like finding a pearl in your bowl of cornflakes. Yes it can happen but ….

Want to buy my music catalogue? High price! Cost = the company!

If he isn’t auto tuned, he should be!

War as marketing ploy. The war complex needs a war to stay in business.

Have I stumbled on that secrete cabal of gazillionaires that rule the world? If I have, let me say this – My dues are in the mail, I swear it!

This novel is so bad, I got bored reading they synopsis!

I can destroy Hollywood film and TV with one word – “Penthouse” (great K drama!)

I don’t know you; but almost everything you think, I disagree with.

In films, women like marriages, men like pie fights!

Some painter asked how to get portraits more exact. Here’s the dilemma: You get it exact and you are a camera, and you have taken all your personality out of the portrait. Some will say that is good; others say you will end up with a pretty lifeless piece of art.

How can you have a selfish gene if there’s no direction to evolution?

Sieve logic: full of holes.

Sayings of Editor Art! (more to add to the list)

June 24, 2020

Be daring – Wing it!

Whether its this wine or that wine, its still wine!

People who don’t wear a mask – I avoid like the plague!

The oasis of civilization.

That’s like a sax solo in the middle of the Moonlight Sonata (first movement.)

A song with a wide range in the melody is lighter than one with a limited range.

Let the windmills tilt themselves.

Stay lit!

Everyone gets a thorn in their paw.

Song title: I may be wrong but you’re still stupid!

Black hole of need.

I can’t listen to you in that dress.

Destructive interference is the gateway that connects space-time with the dimensionless point.

How can I be 70? I feel like 23 and sore.

Media – reaching out for drama and trauma.

So instead of a zoo of weird particles, we are looking at different waves that combine, transform, or decay – each with different particles.

Buksforus: the new drug you need to tell your doctor. Side effects, lean wallets and empty pockets. In clinical trials, only m&ms were found to be better.

High times and misdemeanors.

Remember when music was fun and not a corporate ploy?

The arts and media revolution will win through default because it is built on the talent of many not the promotion of a few.

Light is eternal. (Photons are outside space-time, distance, time, and are eternal – and all in a single dimensionless point.

At my age / you have to be twice as careful and half as stupid!

If the founding fathers came today and you asked them, What do you think about the internet? They’d respond. Where are the horses?

The daily cycle of UV light forced selection on chemicals, and led to life.

Singer: Was I on key?
Manager: Many times!!!

The best musicians, artists, writers, filmmakers now are people you’ve never heard of
Join the arts revolution and give them a chance to be heard.

Something new is needed.

Where are the great instrumentalists? Corporate music just sounds like karaoke.

Did our military spending help protect us from the corona virus? Maybe we should reconsider how best to protect the country.
We’ve spent billions and billions on the military to protect us. Yet they were helpless in this pandemic. Maybe protecting the country should include more than buying weapons!

Nature is never clever. It’s simple and elegant.

This liquor is so bad they call it Catch 22. You have to be drunk to drink it.

Big Businesses during the pandemic – some are stepping up and others are on their knees begging for bailouts.

My standard guitar cannot make thousands of different sounds like an electric guitar, so I have to get variety through new chords.

I hope all your photons are light.

Sayings of Editor Art!

January 21, 2020

X: Wow, you are a Renaissance Man!
Y: I’m not THAT old

Musicians, are you D-Pop and for all musicians or for the Big 3 Labels: Warner, Universal, Sony?

D-Pop is music where the song is most important; not fame, millions spent on production or the number of background dancers in your video?

Naughty or Nice – it’s not a multiple choice!

We’ve had 30 years of technical innovations in the arts. Now it’s time for a golden age of content!

Have you ever had a dream that you were sleepy?

My wallet is a one way street.

The accountants run Hollywood and it shows.

3 companies, The Big 3 Labels, run music, have ruined it, and have got to go. Share the news!

The person who uses religion to hurt others is a monster!

Why does time have speed limits; velocity up to the speed of light.

a franchise is a product not a film.

Ulysses by James Joyce, abridged version.
Buck Mulligan
came bearing
a bowl of lather.

I’d ask you to grow old with me, but I’m already there!

Everyone wants to record an album cut – no one wants to record a hit!

I write my children’s books for me. Kid’s opinions just get in the way.

I like this novel! It doesn’t bog down with good writing!

When a business makes excessive profits, it’s either in a banner year or it’s cheating someone.Sad to report that this recording’s sophistication will be lost on all but the most discriminating and refined tonal palettes!

Music Quotes about the Music Revolution from Musea, since 1992

September 5, 2019

Music Quotes about the Music Revolution.
From Musea, since 1992

Time for a change in music – instead of just 3 companies controlling everything there should be thousands!

Musea, leading the music revolution against the “Big 3 Labels” that control the music industry.

Those born since the 90s have the delusion that mainstream music is supposed to be bad and not the best in the world.

The Big 3 Labels control manufacturing, distribution, promotion, reviews, concerts, radio, awards shows, music media, music charts, and streaming. Anything else they sue out of business by their watchdog organization, RIAA.

When you have to search out a musician’s music, they are probably making minimum wage, while 1% make 70% of all money in music.

When people hide their heads in the sand about all this, it’s the same as bowing down to the 3 CEOs that control and have ruined music.

Join us – thousands of musicians against the 3 CEOs that control the music industry.

Time to stop supporting the 3 old men, no women, that control all music, the Big 3, and start supporting all musicians. That includes ending the glass ceiling against all women in positions of leadership in the music industry.

Which side are you on, 3 CEOs, The Big 3, that control the music industry or all musicians?

Musicians need your support not your head in the sand!

Who here would get upset if there were more than 3 people who decided if you got a career in music or made minimum wage all your life?

The Big 3 control 80% of the music industry and their lawyers the other 20%.

When the music media blocks out the music revolution against the Big 3, they block out every musician making minimum wage or less = thousands of talented people.

Music revolution has two sides:
3 greedy CEOs that prop up the same 10 top 40 pop stars versus all the other musicians in the world.

Katy Perry spent $11 million on promoting one song!
Ed Sheeran’s “Divide” tour has made $736.7 million!
To make minimum wage through streaming on Spotify, a musician has to have 336,842 total plays. No musician can compete against the pop darlings of the Big 3 Labels!

Remember my ear is always open.