Posts Tagged ‘Annual Christmas Stories’

Musea Annual Christmas Stories

December 6, 2014

Musea has an annual tradition – a Christmas story for the December issue. Did you miss any of them?

There is a lot I like to put into each short story, and not much room to squeeze it into -only 8 pages per Musea issue, with the front page being a photo! That means everything has to happen in 7 pages.

I try to write, so that each story first HAS a story, a good plot. Then some interesting characters caught up in something challenging, some connection to Christmas, and finally a deeper meaning behind the top story. Maybe even a couple of layers of meaning. Hopefully the stories take you somewhere, that you feel better about visiting.

Here is a summary of the last 14 years worth. Enjoy. – Tom.

HAUNTED WITH JOY – Kids follow a set of treasure maps to find ….
STATIC – Antique radio leads to a murder scene.
LEO MARS, DETECTIVE – Leo Mars tries to solve a suicide case
SENLIN – Story of the greatest dancer that ever lived.
CANDLE AND ICICLE – Children wish away a death in the family.
CHESS SETS – A new idea for a toy
HOUSE KEY – A husband hides his wife’s gift in a …
BROTHER JOHN – A monk learns about giving and joy.
HEAD UP PENNY – A little ghost returns home
MR WEEBLERS ENCOUNTER – Santa, real or fake
ALIENS – Aliens land and enjoy Christmas on Earth
DOT’S PLAYHOUSE – A father builds the ultimate doll house.
MAGIC BAG – A bum finds a magic bag that’s filled with presents.
ANN – Ann breaks her foot while trying to do good, at the worst time of the year.
RANGER 330 SUB ATOMIC BLASTER; toy gun is so easy for father to steal !?!

(all at


My pocket is empty,
last penny in my hand.
I toss it up.
It’s caught by the wind.
And lands as a wish
in the depths of the well
shimmering through the water
as it falls …
I close my eyes
and wait until …


Haunted With Joy (Annual Xmas Issue of Musea)

November 30, 2014

Dear Readers,

the Xmas Issue of Musea is out and about at all the regular places, including mailboxes, stores, and online.
Webmaster Matthew has added a little website Christmas fun, so start at the front page here:

Then click on through to the other side and read #194 Haunted With Joy, the twins have to find a treasure, and they don’t even know what the treasure is! Here is an excerpt:

Happy Holidays Musea Readers! ! This issue is our annual Musea Christmas Story. Take a rest from your busy schedule and find out what a series of treasure maps leads to. I wish you all a great Christmas season and an even better New Year in 2015.
See you then – Tom

Photo 1
1 – The First Step

Betsy: (leaning on the padded arm of her dad’s easy chair) I’m bored…. so is Ronny. What can we do?
Dad: How can you be bored? We just moved into this gigantic Victorian Mansion (as he sweeps the back of his hand from left to right) filled with empty rooms. We’re in a new town, new neighborhood, with new people everywhere. How can you two be bored?
Betsy: Don’t know…
Ronny: (joining his twin sister) … But we are!
Dad: Well I’m not. I’ve got writing to do, accounts to settle, contracts to sign, reading galore, and all that has to wait when any of the tradesman come, or the moving van gets here…. Have you asked your mom if she has something for you to do?
Ronny: She’s next.
Dad: Got any good books to read?
Betsy: We’ve finished all our mysteries. Do you think there’s a library nearby?
Dad: Mission one – find out!
Betsy: How?
Dad: Find out!
Betsy Oh bother! (the twins headed for the kitchen).
The Watkins family had struck it rich….

Tom Hendricks
(editor of the 22 year old zine Musea)

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