Quizzical for October 2017

The answer to, and winner (if any) for, our last contest question of:

Peter Tork, an official Monkee member said that when the producers were getting the cast for the TV show of the same name; they actually thought of using a working known band for the part of the musicians. They auditioned a well known rock group of that time, but it didn’t work out. Seems their playing was fine but acting was not. Name the band that didn’t make the cut.

IS …
The Lovin’ Spoonful.

I had no correct eligible answers. “Do You Believe in Magic?” Maybe you should stick with facts to find the answer to this one! I don’t dumb down so please wise up.

Now on to a new Q.: Win a copy of any of my 9 CDs, or copy of one of my artworks IF you are the first to …

E-MAIL ME AT THIS ADDRESS: tom-hendricks @ att.net(remove blanks of course) with the correct answer to the following art question .

DEDICATION: These contests are dedicated to my sister, Peggy, who answered more of the questions correctly than anyone else.

I say Earthlings have landed on Mars. You say no.
When I tell you why I know that is true, you will say … Yes Tom you are correct and I was wrong. Explain!

FINE PRINT: The CD prize is only available to those with mailing addresses in the US. Foreign winners will have to settle for the miniscule fame alone, and the satisfaction of a job well done. But don’t forget you can listen to all the music , read all my writings, and see all the art, whether you win or lose – and I’d be glad if you did!

Readers, IF you like these puzzles and would like to resend them to friends, post them on any newsgroup, or any website, please do so. The more the merrier! For all things TH, (music, art, writing, Musea, etc) see


Tom Hendricks
(editor of the 25 year old zine Musea)

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